Sunday, March 16, 2008

Tickets to China

On Saturday, Grandpa Kent AKA Grandpa Travel Agent, booked our tickets. David, Sam and I went over to lend emotional support. I think we all stopped breathing while he dialed and talked to the woman. This was another time when God was working in the process. Dad had been checking the flights every day and there were plenty of seats. Then Saturday morning he checked and there were only seven seats on the whole huge plane. He called and we jumped into action. Then when he was talking to the ticket agent at American Airlines, she said that if we would have booked any later than Saturday we could not have used the frequent flyer miles because it takes to long to get them out of one account and into another. It gets better. She also said that Japan Air (who we are flying to China) only allows for four seats from frequent flyer miles. We needed five. Let me back up, and tell you that the woman my dad was talking to was SO excited that we were going to CHina for Elizabeth and she was so honored to be a part of the experience. Anyway, she put Dad on hold and called Japan Air and told them what we were doing and they opened up one more frequent flyer seat! So we were able to use the miles for all five seats! So we are leaving on Easter Sunday! Dad also booked the in country flights and the hotel in Beijing.

1 comment:

Lola Granola said...

I just wanted to say, good luck! I was looking for blogs by people using Homeland/Brightside, because I am going to call them tomorrow to talk about their Pilot special needs program, and I found you, and here is one stranger who is very excited for you and wishing you and your family a wonderful trip!
