Friday, December 15, 2006

We Have Our LID!!!

LID or Log In Date is a big date that everyone working on a China adoption waits for. This is the date that our file(dossier) was entered into the system in China. Our LID was November 16, 2006. So, fourteen months from November puts us at January of 2008 for our referal and then we would travel around February. That is just a guess, it could be earlier, it could be later, we really have no idea. What we do know is that we still need a lot more money, so the long time for the referal is not too bad. I am having a Creative Memories BenefitCrop February 24th (there is more info on the events page). David is selling original artistic photographs (Check them out and purchase them on our store page.) We are also planning another yard sale for the summer.

There are several ways you can help. You can pray for us and our patience for the long wait. We are still collecting used cell phones and print cartridges. We send them to TX to be recycled in return they send us cash. You can attend my Benefit Crop in February and buy your scrapbook supplies from me at . There is a button on the right for a link to paypal. It is a secure and easy way to make a donation. Also, you can send a donation straight to our agencies on our behalf. Just make sure to add a note that the money goes into our file and if you wish to remain anonymous or not. Our agencies said they would just add the donation to our file and use it for the upcoming fees. Below is a breakdown of upcoming fees and the agencies they go to.

1. $600 to have our homestudy updated in the spring of 2007. Homestudies only last a year, so ours will need to be updated. Our local agency that handles this is:
Children's Hope Network
Attn: Sandy Destrampe
1297 Trail Way Drive
Grafton, WI 53024

2. $4600 in fees when we accept our referal and travel to China. These are orphanage fees that our agency will wire to China for us. Our international agency is:
Homeland Adoption Services
Attn: Pam Thomas
121 New York Avenue
Congers, NY 10920

3. $10,000 to $15,000 to travel to China for two to three weeks. There will be four of us traveling to China: Rachel, David, Sam and Grammy Fran. There are some provinces in China that have lenghten the amount of time required in-country to three weeks. Some still only require two weeks. We won't know what province we are going to until we get our referal. So we won't know how long we will be there until then either. There is so much unknown.

Most of all we really need your emotional support, encouragement and prayers. This process is so difficult for so many reasons. It means so much to us to know that our friends and family are behind us, excited for us and walking with us on this journey.

Thank you.

Check back for updates!

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