Saturday, February 23, 2008

I had a shower today!

Not a water shower, well, I did have one of those too. No, this was a baby shower! My girlfriends, (Carmen, Lori and Rebecca), my sister-in-law (Bridget) and my mom (Grammy Fran) hosted a baby shower for me (and Elizabeth). It was so incredible. I was so touched that they even had it for me in the first place and then when it happened it was just so great. There was so much food and it was all so yummy. There were M&Ms on the table too! My mom made this cute panda cake and Bridget made mini cheesecakes. We played two games. Bridget had a list of lines from nursery rhymes that we had to guess the name of the rhyme. Carmen made a Jeopardy game with different facts about our family and the adoption journey. It was a blast. I did not get to play, I was the judge and added extra information when needed.

People were so generous with their gifts too. Everyone brought great pink cute things. I am so excited about pink! People brought fabric too for the quilts we are making for Sam and Elizabeth. now I can start working on them.

Thank you so much to the wonderful hosts, the party was great. Thank you to everyone who came and those who could not make it, but sent their wishes.

It was such a great party and I am so amazed so many people care so much. Thank you so much to everyone!

China is coming really soon! Stay tuned! Until next time........

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