Wednesday, April 02, 2008

Wednesday April 2, 2008 again

What a difference a few days makes. Elizabeth is really coming out of her shell. She is laughing and reaching for us and relaxing. Tonight we went to a restaurant for dinner (of course) and EVERYONE was just gushing over Elizabeth and Sam. The waitresses took her from David and we talking to her and hugging her and just gushing. They had the same reaction to Sam and my dad! Dad was trying to order dinner and practice his limited Chinese. They loved it. We did get a very good meal in the end. While they had Elizabeth , she kept an eye on David and went right back to her. As we were leaving a man at another table wanted to hold her and she arched her back into David and tried to stay as close to him as possible, it was great!

Since we are a day ahead, it should be April 1 today by you, or am I really off on my days? Anyway, HAPPY BIRTHDAY CARMEN! Or is it April 2? It is evening here and my computer says it is 8:09 AM in Wisconsin . I am so mixed up and can’t wait to be home. Have I mentioned that? I know, only 100 times per post and email.

The pictures on the bus were on the way to Wuxi or maybe on the way back, I don’t know. There is a very nice family that is in our group. We are so upset they live in MA, not in WI. We had dinner with them last night and put the girls in their matching Wal-Mart dresses. Mae has some separation anxiety issues. She is also 18 months not 15 like Elizabeth . She loves playing with Sam and Elizabeth. We love hanging out with Maureen and Stu, her parents. I also included a picture of E sleeping under her Quilty B.

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