Sunday, March 23, 2008

Hoppy Easter

Yesterday (Good Friday) we went to the Sendicks Grocery Store for an Easter Egg Hunt.We also had 16 inches of snow! They told each child that the eggs were in the produce section and they could have four. It took about 30 seconds. Then we got Sam's goody bag and braved the snow home. Grammy Fran has made arrangements with the Easter Bunny to come to her house when we get home in April. So the kids (all three of them) can have a proper Egg Hunt, Grammy Fran Style! As for the "real Easter", I asked my friend Lori if it was ok to go through Holy Week without Easter. She said our trip is Easter; it is all about new life and new beginnings. So I guess we are all set! This is my last post until China! Big thanks to Grandpa Norm for helping us get past the "Great Fire Wall of China".

Picture is cousin Jenna at Easter Egg Hunt.


Anonymous said...

Happy travels and Happy Easter.We cannot wait to hear that Elizabeth is with you and sleeping soundly surrounded by her 100 good wishes quilt -which by the way is beautiful!

God Bless!
Michelle & Mia Mullen

Jeannine said...

Best wishes to all of! Enjoy this beautiful experience!
